Sharing with Sharon
Here, you’ll find all the latest happenings, gatherings, and special events designed to bring our community closer together.
March 28 at 6:30p ET
Hosted by The Stewart Brothers
Contact Deacon William Scipio if you’d like to participate: 443-743-6882 or click the link below.
Gospel Explosion
March 30 at 3p
Featuring the Baltimore City College Choir.
See any member of the Constance H. Moore Scholarship Fund for tickets.
Constance H Moore
Scholarship Concert
March 30 at 10a ET
Featuring The Word from Guest Preacher, Rev. Therm James, Jr. of
The New Macedonia Baptist Church
in Washington, D.C.
Young & Young Adult Sunday
Bowling with the Y&YA
April 5 at 1p
Come share, laugh, bowl, and win!
April 12 at 2p
Dress to impress and wear your flyest sneakers!
See any member of the Women’s Ministry for tickets.